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Liard Aboriginal Women’s Society to host Mothers of the Land Gathering II: For the Love of Caribou NEWS RELEASE: Wednesday October 18th, 2023 WATSON LAKE
– Liard Aboriginal Women’s Society (LAWS) is to host Mothers of the Land Gathering II: For the Love of Caribou. The gathering is planned to take place at the Recreation Centre in Watson Lake, Yukon, on the traditional lands of the Kaska Dene on October 19th and 20th, 2023, from 8:30 AM to 4:30PM.
Refreshments and lunch will be served.
Mothers of the Land Gathering II: For the Love of Caribou will be an engaging and interactive gathering, seeking to bring together Kaska knowledge holders and experts, concerned community members, scientists, and climate activists to share and learn from each other’s respective knowledges, ways of understanding, observations from the land, and stories and teachings related to the ongoing environmental challenges impacting our communities and our caribou.
The gathering aims to generate a productive dialogue about the principles of traditional land stewardship, discuss issues of land use and resource management, and develop strategies and a consensus on critical issues of environmental protection, northern climate resiliency and adaptation, and standards for any potential future developments.
The goal is to begin laying the groundwork for the creation of an environmental declaration and code of conduct based fully on Kaska values, rooted in the fundamental principles of respect, responsibility, and reciprocity to plan and guide all activities on Kaska land - going forward.
The event is free and open to the public – registration in-person at the event and online https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mothers-of-the-land-gathering-ii-for-the-love-of-cariboutickets-710470615737?aff=oddtdtcreator&fbclid=IwAR1HHNB6mmG4_7- LdeOaIs1Tu0MTqR1iqc0hbvnkOFpLsOnbGyxGN8BHtnU
For further information contact:
Linda McDonald Liard Aboriginal Women’s Society C: 867-335-0581